The permanent exhibition deals with the history of Kemi and vicinity, the influence of the river and sea have played on the area’s culture, livelihoods and the various branches of the forest industry.
Marina Takalonkatu 3, 94100 Kemi
The museum showcases the history of the Torne Valley region on both sides of the Torne River. You will be able to get acquainted with the traditional sources of livelihood, food, culture, local identity and history of the cities of Tornio and Haparanda. You can also listen to recordings of the local languages and dialects. The past is brought to life by means of objects, pictures, and films.
The Pahnila Museum with its courtyard is the only surviving museum in its original place in the Provincial Museum District in the Valley of Tornionjoki. The museum is open on summer time when there’s a guide telling stories of museum’s fine objects, old-fashioned life, and chores. Open on summer time.
Palokarintie 7, 95210 Filpus