Welcome to celebrate the last- and first event of the year, Happy New Twice in HaparandaTornio!
Covid-19 restrictions in both countries allow events outdoors which means that we can celebrate the New Year outdoors together, at Happy New Twice! The organisers follow the national instructions and restrictions both in Sweden and Finland. See current information in English: Finland and Sweden.
We invite all to celebrate with responsibility and symptom free and of course keep distance from others. Join us on Victoria square and enjoy music, performances, and double fireworks. There will be face masks available at the entrance to the area.
22.30 | 23.30 Welcome to Victoria square
22.45 | 23.45 Music
23.00 | 00.00 Fireworks
23.10 | 00.10 Fireshow (Taikatulet)
23.20 | 00.20 Music
23.50 | 00.50 Fireshow (Taikatulet)
00.00 | 01.00 Fireworks
More information at www.happynewtwice.com